jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

BLOG 8: My Ideal Job

I would like to work in a hospital; where?...the place is still undecided, all tell the time. But the hospital would have to have all the technology necessary to deliver adequate comfort care service to all patient. Where the number of professionals is proportional to the number of patients seen at this hospital, as well, have a personalized service and better quality. With respect to people who were met there, I'm not interested, frankly, if they are a low socioeconomic level, medium or high. For me the important thing is that you can do my work, my community benefit.
With regard to the workload, I wish it were not so heavy, rather a reasonable number of patients per professional. Of course, if at some point there is no professional, I do not bother having a larger number of patients in my charge. I feel a greater responsibility to make me work better and with greater efficiency.
Like anyone, I think, I would like to meet people gentle, friendly and not overbearing, with which to have a good relationship.

My specialty I have not yet decided, but my inclination goes by the area of babies, ie, neonatology, and I like anything that has to do with the care to the newborn. If in the end I decided for this area, I would like to work with, have a great relationship of peers and colleagues.

I am not of those people that when they come to work, immediately think of the holidays. If I'm working on what I like, I do not mind working all year, no vacation, because I do not leave home very often and I get bored a lot if I have something to do. However a prudent time off is always welcome. So my job would be ideal.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

BLOG 7: Without a goodbye

It was a day of winter, the coldest I've felt in my life. It was not yet 7:00 am and my bus did not arrive, was 1 hour late. Sitting on the bench in the station, rubbed my hands to generate some heat while waiting to go visit my grandmother in the south ... the time is to eternity, it was as if he wanted to wait something. And it was …In the midst of the crowd, a boy, tall, slim, well, pretty slim, to the side of people to pass. He wore a thin jacket enough and brilliant too to go to the beach, plus some well-worn jeans, and white sneakers, which are generally not combined in the same garment.
I laughed to myself, but I think he realized, because he sat next to me. In his enormous backpack, pulled out a thermos and drank hot chocolate, I knew because that rich aroma filled my nose. He is facing, but it was so cold that I could not turn my eyes when I looked. That's when it all started ...you took the same bus as me, I still remember the driver repeatedly challenged us by our laughter, I never laughed so hard. No doubt this is your best virtue, to make me happy with your words.
From the day we met, that we parted again, after 5 long and beautiful years together, I had never crossed his mind that you'd go, that'd leave me alone, that happened to us, love us Did he change so much was I?...
Now it is winter, the same day we first met, but not cold, on the contrary ... strangely the night is clear and warm. Do not know how I miss you ... has been too long since you left. I would love to tell me what happened, what did I do wrong?, But we do not talk long ... I do not know about you, I still hope you come and get your things, you came one day and you left with nothing... I just want to forget to start again.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010


Education is an important tool as the source of all knowledge, and as health professionals our primary duty is to educate the community by applying the different health issues, aiming to prevent and promote a healthy lifestyle.

To educate people must know what your needs are, what level of knowledge they have regarding the area we want to investigate. This requires making a diagnostic of these needs and develop an educational program.
Each person is unique and as such, their capacity for understanding is different, some people are more focused, just listening to the teacher, like others, looking at pictures, etc.
But in general, to educate a large number of people it is best to participatory education, using images, educational activities, there is a dynamic equation, since it has been shown to develop an activity of this style, is more easily "engraved in the minds of people", because it manages to maintain for as long as the concentration level and achieve a greater understanding of the topic, that if only attend a talk, where any distraction eventually lose concentration and not learn anything.

In the health area there are several topics, such as the promotion and the prevention of healthy lifestyles, prevention of toxic substances addiction, and sexually transmitted infections, and many other diseases. As there are also issues related to pregnancy, such as: the warning signs and symptoms, breast feeding, the baby's early learning, nutrition, etc. Health issues are intended to make people aware of how your lifestyle can directly affect their health, whether the injured person and handing benefits.

That is why health professionals, are working as an essential tool of education. It is not easy as you think most people, you must have the willingness of both sides of the educator and those who are educated, there must be good communication and mutual respect to achieve the desired impact on their health.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010


Ingresos 2006

Escuelas de la salud




























Tecnología Médica




Terapia Ocupacional









33,2 %



It shows that approximately two thirds of students entering schools of health professions are women. Although most successful women entering clear differences between genres, whether responsibilities, salaries, professional development, etc.

With respect to responsibilities in all area of health careers, are more equitable between men and women. However, in certain professions, such as obstetrics, women have greater social responsibility and there are not many men who are interested in this area is marked by maleness that still retains the Chilean society, where they say that this profession is working only for women and that is why midwifes are responsible for a large number of patients, most of whom are women.

Wage, we can say that in all areas of health, even in other professions, women earn less money for the same or even greater work performed.

Women face greater difficulties than men in finding employment, associated with these wage differentials. As in the races of men say they are kinesiology and medical technology, among others. Employers believe that a man would make that work better for strength and precision that is needed for these two races respectively. With regard to the types of patients, women prefer to be health professionals of the opposite sex because they feel that their treatment is very different and even better.

Despite these large differences in their professional development they become invalid, since both have similar skills and habilities they decided to study and have been educated the same way, and with the same degree of knowledge. Therefore, there should be no such gender differences and less on the health area, where the most important is to help people.