jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


According to Dr. Valenzuela is levonorgestrel emergency contraception, which would have postovulatory effects and inconclusive results do not depend on the day of ovulation, each day of delay in the administration of the drug would be one less day in the window of fertility, regardless the day of ovulation and maximum expected effectiveness of LNG EC, as an exclusive anovulatory drug, only if used from 1 to 5 days postcoitus. However, the doctor referred Croxato the study by Dr. Valenzuela has several errors such as: assign the properties of real measures the effectiveness of LNG in the above tests when in fact, are only estimates known to be rife with assumptions erroneous and calculation errors resulting from the lack of objective methods to determine in each case on which day of the six fertile days had sexual intercourse and also to compare the effectiveness oppose LNG for interfering with the ovulatory process, which is based on actual data and ultrasonographic hormone in a small number of subjects, the EC estimates of doubtful efficacy in large cohorts contraceptives as a scientific method to determine how LNG prevents pregnancy and why not do it in 15% to 40% cases.

It read in these papers a simpler data for reflection is to consider that women are only fertile for six days per month (Dr. Valenzuela). So even if I had sex every other day of the month, what action would have on her LNG? This means that in 75 percent of the time (21 to 28 days of the month), women who consume LNG they will needlessly exposing themselves to serious side effects.

Abortion is a crime against the new human being who did not ask the world to come and kill with a pill is no less immoral to kill in surgery. Also, it is totally immoral not to inform women about what happens in your body and not explain the possible side effects of these controversial interventions. This requires a good education in this respect, therefore our duty as future midwifes is to properly inform without influencing the decisions of our users on how to keep your sex life.

6 comentarios:

  1. pati :D
    good position .. although not totally agree

  2. hello paty !!!
    i think that in most of the things I agree with you:)

    see you !!

  3. You have a very clear idea of all, I like that. Now is also important to educate people to be responsible with their sexuality

  4. Hi Patty!
    I think that you have a very clear idea about this topic, but I have ideal very different to yours because I agree whit the emergency contraception, overall when a woman has been violated..!


  5. paty interesting your thoughts .. I also believe that it is too important to educate people not to stop sending children to suffer, but that task is all of us as members of the government health as providing greater opportunities to learn. also believe that in these times we live so fast it has lost some sense of what you famiia end gives you the real values.

    p.d: that good that you have read the book .. is very good!
