Ingresos 2006
Escuelas de la salud | Hombres | Mujeres | Total |
Enfermería | 13 | 72 | 85 |
Fonoaudiología | 7 | 26 | 33 |
Kinesiología | 10 | 22 | 32 |
Medicina | 95 | 65 | 160 |
Nutrición | 8 | 29 | 37 |
Obstetricia | 13 | 64 | 77 |
Tecnología Médica | 28 | 49 | 77 |
Terapia Ocupacional | 4 | 32 | 36 |
Totales | 178 | 359 | 537 |
Porcentajes | 33,2 % | 66,8% | 100% |
It shows that approximately two thirds of students entering schools of health professions are women. Although most successful women entering clear differences between genres, whether responsibilities, salaries, professional development, etc.
Women face greater difficulties than men in finding employment, associated with these wage differentials. As in the races of men say they are kinesiology and medical technology, among others. Employers believe that a man would make that work better for strength and precision that is needed for these two races respectively. With regard to the types of patients, women prefer to be health professionals of the opposite sex because they feel that their treatment is very different and even better.
Despite these large differences in their professional development they become invalid, since both have similar skills and habilities they decided to study and have been educated the same way, and with the same degree of knowledge. Therefore, there should be no such gender differences and less on the health area, where the most important is to help people.
Very good